Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Best Ways To Speed Up Your Computer

Speeding up your computer is not so hard as you might think. There are some aspects that if you followed you will have the speed, you have ever dreamt with for your computer.

The registry files are what tells your computer or laptop how to use the software installed on it. each time you install or delete a program. Windows keeps track of it. Eventually, this leads to fragmented data that actually needs your PC resources, that means less resources for PC speed. So as time goes by, your computer becomes slower and you go out and buy another one.

Otherwise known as the viscous consumer cycle. Lets talk about how to prevent you from spending money and "organically" keep your PC speed at the original resource specification.
Defrag your hard drive, Over time, the data on your hard drive gets scattered. Defragmenting your hard drive puts your data back into sequential order, making it easier for Windows to access it. As a result, the performance of your computer will improve. An excellent registry cleaner will allow perform this task. However if you would like to defrag your PC with Windows software.

The RAM of a computer is usually a main factor too. You need to make sure you don't run out of physical memory since this will create problems in performance and can even crash your pc on occasions too. Emulating RAM is not always best solution, since it's slower, so unless you opt to buy more RAM, it's recommended to free up memory. Monitoring memory usage is very important and since it's not something that can be done easily manually, you should consider using a particular software application.

Run a full anti-virus and anti-spyware scan. Next step is to run a full system scan for viruses, spywares, adwares, malware and Trojan horses with some good anti viruses and anti spyware/malware tools. The good install antivirus canada software is Trend Micro Antivirus, Norton Antivirus, Panda Antivirus and McAfee antivirus. These antivirus software/tools can help you get rid of pc-clogging detritus on your computer, viruses, temp files, old registry entries and spywares. Your computer can be secure with all these kind of threats if you enable a good antivirus on your computer.

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